Achenbach OPTIPURE
Superstack® II
Filtration Systems
Filtration Systems
Filtration systems tailored to the specific operation purpose serve for micro-filtration of the cooling lubricants, such as especially of rolling oil, in a continuous process with customized filter aids.

Hoseless aluminium cast filter plates
Flow-optimized precoating of the filter aid
Hydraulic filter plate quick lifting system
Achenbach CONDUSENS® Inline Conductivity Sensor
Fully automatic system control with condition diagnosis and remote maintenance
Filter fineness
Volume flows
Temperature range
A holistic approach.
They are always tailored to the specific operation purpose.
Together with the Achenbach AIRPURE® Exhaust Air Purification systems and the Achenbach ROILPURE® Rectification Systems, they handle the entire exhaust air and coolant flow in the rolling process.
Following the closed-loop priciple, they operate ecologically as well as economically highly efficient.
The outstanding performance is achieved by automation with Achenbach OPTIROLL®.
- Hoseless aluminium cast filter plates
- Flow-optimized precoating of the filter aid
- Hydraulic filter plate quick lifting system
- Achenbach CONDUSENS® Inline Conductivity Sensor
- Sequential filter cake discharge concepts
- Fully automatic system control with condition diagnosis and remote maintenance
Contact us directly. Our team is available for you.
To move forward in a modern economy, we need to step up the speed together.